About Safely Home
There’s a stranger in town. Carolyn Winter is cool, in control and content with her single life. She’s certainly not looking for a relationship. Been there, done that, not pleasant. She has all she needs at the moment. A new job, a new home and a cat.
A prodigal sister returns. Tess Wainwright has never been in love. She knows she’s run away from everything. The only worthy thing she’s done is raise Bronte and the nine-year-old deserves more than life has dealt her. Now it’s time for Tess to finish getting her life in order, find some normality, reunite with her older sister, and hopefully make a better life for herself and Bronte.
Of course the universe has never been Tess’s friend and it looks like it’s running true to form. Things aren't turning out the way Tess thought they would. Then that same universe has a change of heart, quite literally, and sets two lonely women on a collision course.
Revisit the cast and location from FRIENDS AND LOVERS in SAFELY HOME, the stand-alone Book 2 in the series.